Add Data Sources

You add data sources if in Step 1 of the Report Wizard you selected Choose this option to create a new empty report.

In Step 2, Report Wizard immediately prompts you to select the data sources that you will use to build your report.

To select data sources:

  1. In the Data Sources dialog box, click the desired module to expand the list of data sources.
    The data objects that belong to the selected module display.
  2. Locate the data source you want to add by using one of the following methods:
    • Scroll through the list to locate the data source.
    • Enter a search term in the empty Keyword field at the top of the dialog box.

    As you type in the Keyword field, the Data Source list automatically displays all matches. Additionally, the heading for each data source category displays the number of matches for that category.

  3. Select the data source.
    Note: When you select a data source, its name and description display in the bottom of the Data Sources dialog box next to the Add to Report and Preview buttons. Neither the data source description nor the two buttons display until you select a data source.

    To view the proposed table joining and see how the data objects will affect the report, click Preview. The preview window displays the first ten rows of the data source. If you want to add the data source, click Add to Report.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more data sources to your report.

    If you add multiple data sources that require a join, you may receive a message asking you to review the join relationship. After you click OK, the Add Data Sources dialog box displays, where you can do the following:

  5. If necessary, revise the join relationship.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Add to Report to return the Data Sources dialog box.

    To learn more about joins, see Appendix B: Join Selected Data Objects.

  8. When you are finished adding data sources, click Close in the Data Source dialog box.

    The data sources (also referred to as “buckets”) that you added display in the table on the Data Sources tab, and they also display as buttons ( , for example) above the tabs.

    Note: If you closed the Data Sources dialog box and later need to add another data source, click the Show data source catalog button that is located on the Data Sources tab.\
  9. Click the Columns tab and follow steps described in the Add Columns topic.